Empire State Building during construction with NYC in the background

Construction of the Empire State Building. The Empire State Building was built in 1929 - 1931. On the right there is a Chrysler building built just before the Empire State Building i.e. 1928 - 1930.

Empire State Building during construction with NYC in the background
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License additional information: This photo is in the public domain
Uploaded: June 30, 2014
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July 17, 2014, 8:15 p.m.
The safety standards at that time in New York City were terrible. Does anyone know why they were so poor? Just looking at those old photos makes me sick. This worker is on the very edge, can fall at any time for whatever reason (e.g. wind). Was he pushed to do this job like this because of lack of money? It seems that at that time many building were built this way.


1880 - 1890 Grand Central Station with streetcar in front of the building.
1890 - 1900 Herald Square Broadway and 42nd St corner
1900 - 1910 Herald Square NYC Old Metropolitan Opera House Madison Square Exterior of Grand Central Depot Brand new Flatiron building Flatiron under construction Old photo of St. Patrick's Union Square NYC Columbus Circle Old photo of New York City: Columbus Circle
1910 - 1920 Met Life Tower
1920 - 1930 Times Square old photo
1940 - 1950 Time Square Fourteenth Street and Third Avenue below the elevated railway station New York Street Third Avenue elevated railway 9th Street


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Old photos of New York City